Safeguarding Adults Reviews
A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) is a multi-agency review required by The Care Act (2014) and conducted by a local Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB). In Wiltshire the SVPP fulfil the function of the local Safeguarding Adults Board.
As stated in section 44 of The Care Act (2014), a SAR must take place when:
- SABs must arrange a SAR when an adult in its area dies as a result of abuse or neglect, whether known or suspected, and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult.
- SABs must also arrange a SAR if the same circumstances apply where an adult is still alive but has experienced serious neglect or abuse. SABs are free to arrange for a SAR in other situations where it believes that there will be value in doing so. This may be where a case can provide useful insights into the way organisations are working together to prevent and reduce abuse and neglect of adults, and can include exploring examples of good practice.
- SABs may also arrange for a SAR in any other situations involving an adult in its area with needs for care and support. (The Care Act 2014, s14.134).
The SAR aims to determine what agencies could have done differently that could have prevented harm or a death from taking place. The purpose of a SAR is to promote effective learning and improvement, not to apportion blame.
Any agency can make a referral for consideration of a SAR. Referrals should made to the Partnership Practice Review Group using the PPRG referral form
Wiltshire published SARs
The Care Act 2014 does not mandate that all SAR reports have be published in full. In Wiltshire we aim to publish all reports where possible and also learning briefings.
Adult A – This review was published on 22 May 2018
Adult A – Learning briefing
Adult B – This review was published on 22 May 2018
Adult B – Learning briefing
Adult C – This review was published on 18 February 2019
Adult C – Learning Briefing
Adult D – This review was published on 3 December 2018
Adult E – This review was published on 6 June 2019
Adult H – Learning Briefing August 2020
Adult L – Learning Briefing July 2021
A national Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) libarary can be accessed here.
Learning from case reviews
If a case does not meet the crtiteria for a SAR there might be learning to be gained, the partnership will facilitate a practitioner event to discuss the case and share any findings. Recommedations and lessons learnt from these events are shared in practice briefings that are designed to be disseminated within the local workforce.
Adult M Briefing