About Wiltshire SVPP
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) are the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements in Wiltshire.
The SVPP was established in February 2019 in response to Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 which required that local safeguarding partners set out arrangements to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children including identifying and responding to their needs. The safeguarding partners are the Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Group and the Police. They have a shared and equal duty to make arrangements to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and adults in a local area (as set out in Working Together 2018 and the Care Act 2014)
Read Wiltshire's Safeguarding Plan here
We have now published our Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 which sets out the priorities for the SVPP for the next few years and the work we will do to address them.
Partnership Structure
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) brings together the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board, the work of the Community Safety Partnership and partnership activity in relation to safeguarding children. The diagram below illustrates the structure of the SVPP and how these areas work together.
The SVPP Executive functions as the Safeguarding Adults Board and provides scrutiny of the systems to safeguard children and adults. The SVPP Executive’s subgroups provide scrutiny and assurance in relation to the safeguarding of children and adults, including statutory and non-statutory case reviews.
The CSP Executive focuses on scrutiny and assurance in regards to tackling crime, its root causes and its impact on our communities. The Chair of the CSP Executive is a member of the SVPP Executive to ensure that there is join-up between the safeguarding and community safety agendas. The CSP’s subgroups co-ordinate partnership activity in relation to their specific area of business and membership of the subgroups consists of agencies who have a role in driving forwards the agenda of the group.
Download the structure of the SVPP groups here
The SVPP has a business support team to support and facilitate these arrangements and co-ordinate business across the partnership, support collaboration and reduce duplication. Some virtual partnership meetings will be recorded for minuting purposes. The SVPP Recording and Transcribing Policy can be found here.
Connecting with the SVPP
There are many ways to get involved with work of the SVPP even without being a member of a partnership subgroup. Below are meetings facilitated by SVPP and are developed to support engagement with partners.
SVPP Senior Partners Meetings
This is a meeting for senior leaders to meet with the members of the SVPP Exec. It takes place twice a year and invites go out to senior leaders across agencies.
The purpose of this meeting is to:
- Provide an opportunity to hear about the work of the SVPP including in relation to its priorities and learning from case reviews and relevant national developments
- Provide an opportunity to explore safeguarding concerns/systems issues with the SVPP Exec
- Support senior leaders to understand their role within the partnership arrangements
SVPP Stakeholder Network Meetings
This meeting is open to anyone working with children and young people, families and adults with care and support needs in Wiltshire and who would like to know more about the work of the SVPP. This includes leaders, managers and practitioners. This meeting is led by the SVPP Partnership Leads.
The purpose of this meeting is to
- Provide an update on the work of the SVPP, including learning from case reviews locally and nationally
- Explore relevant local and national safeguarding themes and activity
- Provide an opportunity to network with other practitioners through discussions in break out groups
Presentations from this meeting are shared with attendees and are available on the SVPP website.
SVPP Practitioner Forums
Practitioner Forums are for frontline practitioners working with children, young people, adults with care and support needs and their parents/families/unpaid carers. Forum members will represent children’s and adult, social care, health, education and the voluntary sector. The purpose of the Practitioner Forum is to;
- Provide an update on the work of the SVPP, including learning from case reviews locally and nationally
- Ensure that practitioners experiences of safeguarding systems are used to shape the work of the SVPP
To find out about any of the information, above please email svpp@wiltshire.gov.uk