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Case Reviews in Wiltshire

The SVPP has a duty to identify and carry out statutory reviews where cases meet the relevant criteria. The focus of all practice or case reviews is to learn from the incident and consider how this learning can inform and improve practice across the safeguarding system. 

SVPP Partnership Practice Review Group (PPRG)

The PPRG brings together review processes for both statutory and non-statutory reviews of cases involving adults and children, including Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Rapid Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.

This partnership approach is intended to:

  • reduce duplication and use skills, knowledge and capacity more efficiently
  • enable better sharing of learning across both adult and children’s safeguarding systems and workforce
  • enable better oversight and management of reviews, actions and recommendations and demands on partner agencies through a centralised coordination process

The Terms of Reference set out more information about the PPRG. We also have guidance to support you to provide information to the PPRG:  Providing Information to the PPRG Guidance.

Making a referral for a case review

The SVPP Business Support team are here to help and advise about any referrals for consideration for a case review: svpp@wiltshire.gov.uk.

The Case Review Protocol sets out the arrangements by which the SVPP will carry out case reviews, both statutory and non-statutory. Any agency can make a referral to the PPRG and ask for a case to be considered for a review. If it does not meet the criteria for a statutory review the PPRG may decide to carry out a non-statutory review where there is new learning. 

To make a referral into the PPRG please use the Case for Consideration for a Case Review referral form. Agencies referring into the PPRG will be invited to the meeting to provide more information on the referral and will be informed of the outcome and whether the case has met the criteria for a review.

Notifications to the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Some cases relating to children may meet the criteria for a notification to the CSPR Panel, as set out in Working Together - see criteria below.

If you think a case meets this criteria and you would like the case discussed for consideration of a notification, then you need to use a different form: Case for Consideration for a Serious Incident Notification and contact SVPP@wiltshire.gov.uk as soon as you have identified the case. This is because a notification needs to be done within 5 working days of the incident.

Criteria for a notification to the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel:

16C (1) of the Children Act 2004 (as amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017) states:

Where a local authority in England knows or suspects that a child has been abused or neglected, the local authority must notify the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel if:

(a) the child dies or is seriously harmed in the local authority’s area

(b) while normally resident in the local authority’s area, the child dies or is seriously harmed outside England

Learning from Case Reviews 

Learning from case reviews helps inform practice and improve the safeguarding system and it is important that all agencies and practitioners proactively engage with it. The SVPP share learning from case reviews in the following ways:​

  • Publish full statutory review reports
  • Publish a summary of the case review: 7 minute briefings
  • Publish slides that can be used within agencies  for example in team meetings or supervision
  • Virtual briefings and/or Webinars – open to all to attend to hear about the review

All resources can be found in the Learning Hub: Learning from Case Reviews.

To find out more about specific review processes and to find published reports click on the links below:

Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Safeguarding Adult Reviews.

Domestic Homicide Reviews.

LeDeR Reviews 

LeDeR (formerly known as the Learning from Deaths Review Programme) is a non-statutory service improvement programme which aims to improve care, reduce health inequalities and prevent premature mortality of people with a learning disability and autistic people by reviewing information about the health and social care support people received. Everyone with a learning disability aged four and above who dies and every adult (aged 18 and over) with a diagnosis of autism is eligible for a LeDeR review. LeDeR reviews can identify concerns that require onward safeguarding referral, and this is reported to the SVPP in the usual way. The BSW LeDeR programme now reports regularly to the SVPP to share system learning and increase collaboration. 

Making a LeDeR Notification: Notification of a death can be made by anyone via the LeDeR website. This includes health and social care staff, administrative staff, family members and others who knew the person: Report the death of someone with a learning disability (leder.nhs.uk)

For further information please email: bswccg.leder@nhs.net

The child death process

The child death review (CDR) process is a statutory review process into the deaths of all children irrespective of the cause of death and is administered in Wiltshire by the Child Death Office, University of Bristol. Statutory requirements for this process are set out in Working Together 2023, Chapter 6, more information can be found here. This will be the primary review process for children with learning disabilities and autistic children and the results are then shared with the LeDeR Programme.