Multi-agency training complements single agency and professional training by focusing on effectively working together to meet the needs of adults, children and families. Attending multi agency training supports inter-agency working by allowing professionals to learn from each other.
The multi-agency training programme is overseen by the SVPP Practice Development Group and is designed to incorporate learning from case reviews and feedback from partner agencies.
To book all courses, webinars and learning events go to the 'Booking Training' page.
Updating your training
With the exception of Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputies who are required to update every 2 years, the SVPP recommends that safeguarding training is updated at least every three years.
To update your training, you can undertake any learning opportunities at the level appropriate to your role and responsibilities, through which to extend your skills and knowledge. If you are unsure about the most suitable training option it is advisable to discuss with your line manager or safeguarding lead to identify any training needs. All staff are encouraged to identify which training is most relevant to their safeguarding duties and select a course that has not already been undertaken
Guidance for education staff on training requirements has been produced by the Wiltshire Schools Effectiveness team.
Wiltshire Council Social Care staff can access further L&D Training and Safeguarding training via Epic Hub.
Please read through all (+) drop down menus below before applying for training. To book onto a course please go to the booking training page.
Working Together: A Shared Responsibility
Course Description
This training is designed to increase participant’s understanding of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 and other key legislation including inter-agency procedures and local guidance. The training is focused upon improving collaborative, multi-agency thinking and working practices.
Learning Objectives
- Identify actions needed to respond to concerns for the protection of children using the safeguarding procedures and the Wiltshire Multi-Agency Thresholds Guidance.
- Identify the key sources of legislation, government and local guidance that directly relate to the safeguarding of children and promoting of their welfare.
- State and understand agency roles and responsibilities in the safeguarding of children.
- Understand processes for sharing information.
- Have an increased understanding of what working together means and how agencies coordinating effectively can best achieve this.
- Up to date understanding of risk areas in the safeguarding arena i.e. Domestic Abuse, Neglect and Peer on Peer abuse and CSE.
Target Audience
This course is for all staff and volunteers who have frequent / infrequent contact with children / young people and / or families / carers.
This course costs £100 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc.
10th February 2025 (Virtual)
2nd April 2025 (Virtual)
10th June 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
25th September 2025 (Virtual)
4th November 2025 (Virtual)
10th December 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
Adult Threshold Matrix Workshop
Course Description
This Workshop is aimed at all frontline practitioners particularly those who are new to safeguarding.
Aims – To provide an overview of the Adult Threshold Matrix together with an opportunity to work through case scenarios and use the Matrix in practice. Explore how to make a good referral to MASH, the process and expectations from making a referral.
This session is designed to improve confidence when using the Matrix and when making MASH referrals.
This course is free to attend.
20th January 2025 (Face to face, Trowbridge)
19th March 2025 (Face to face, Trowbridge)
16th June 2025 (Face to face, Trowbridge)
Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads in Education
This training is provided by Wiltshire Council and can be found on Wiltshire Right Choice Right Choice (
Conferences and Core Groups
Course Description
This course is for those professionals who may have to attend a Child Protection Conference, Core Group or who want to feel more confident about the conference processes. This course includes ways of working with children and families in child protection conferences and core groups. The training will equip practitioners to understand the context and their responsibilities in relation to child protection conferences and core groups. It is recommended that this course is undertaken by all safeguarding leads including DSLs.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the threshold for significant harm and the categories of harm and be able to recognise indicators of abuse and risk factors.
- Understand the process of a child protection conference in order to further develop confidence in fully participating in them.
- Be able to work alongside other professionals to develop outcome focused and SMART child protection plans.
- Be able to further develop plans within the subsequent core groups.
Target Audience
This training is for all staff working with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing planning intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or young person and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding/child protection concerns.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants must have completed either the Child Protection for DSLs in Education course or the Specialist Advanced Practitioner Training course before undertaking this training.
This course costs £100 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc.
3rd April 2025 (Virtual)
12th June 2025 (Virtual)
11th September 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
13th November 2025 (Virtual)
Contextual Safeguarding
Course Description
This half day course is intended to provide more detail and information about contextual safeguarding and this approach to how we protect children at risk from extra familial harm.
Learning Objectives
The session builds on the awareness raising provided in the briefings and will cover:
- Understand the challenges of the existing CP system for young people at risk of extra-familial harm.
- Identify the key concepts relating to the need for contextual safeguarding (adolescence, extra-familial risk, vulnerability, capacity to safeguard, risk, contexts).
- Consider the need for a different approach to assessment and intervention.
- Develop the skills to respond contextually to extra-familial harm.
- Understand the four domains of contextual safeguarding and how this approach can be embedded into practice in your service area.
Target Audience
The course is aimed at any practitioner who wants to gain a more detailed knowledge and understanding of contextual safeguarding and is particularly appropriate for safeguarding leads and Contextual Safeguarding Champions.
Pre-requisite Course
Though attendance at a safeguarding briefing would be helpful, it is not a mandatory pre-requisite to attend this course.
This course is free to attend.
1st April 2025 (Virtual)
More dates to follow
DASH Risk Assessment and MARAC Training
Course Description
The DASH (Domestic Abuse Stalking and Harassment) Risk Identification Checklist is the tool universally used across police and non police agencies when identifying and assessing the level of risk of victims of domestic abuse. This session will look at the Checklist in detail, how to assess the level of risk and how to make onward referrals to appropriate support including the MARAC. It will also look at the MARAC process in Wiltshire.
Target Audience
This is a training session appropriate for frontline professionals whose role is to assess risk and make the onward referrals.
This course is free to attend.
25th February 2025 (Virtual)
24th April 2025 (Virtual)
24th June 2025 (Virtual)
29th September 2025 (Virtual)
2nd December 2025 (Virtual)
Domestic Abuse
Course Description
This course outlines the impact that domestic violence and abuse has on victims and children, and assists learners to understand how to respond appropriately to their concerns.
Learning Objectives
- Recognise how children are affected by domestic abuse, the impact on children and how children respond.
- Explore types of domestic abuse, statistics, who is at risk from domestic abuse and the impact on children.
- Identify significant harm and processes for protecting children at risk.
- Increased understanding of what support is available for children, young people and their families in Wiltshire including Operation Encompass.
- Understand the role of the MARAC process in protecting children.
- To enhance the skills of participants in the identification and assessment when working with children and young people who are living with domestic abuse.
Target Audience
Individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with adults and children or young people, to raise awareness of safeguarding issues surrounding domestic abuse.
This course is free to attend.
17th March 2025 (Virtual)
13th May 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
9th July 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
19th September 2025 (Virtual)
25th November 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
Early Support Assessment (ESA) Process
Course Description
This course will take participants through the Wiltshire Early Support Assessment process, from identifying need, completing the form, action planning and the review process. You’ll explore the lead professional role and consider barriers to success and how to overcome them.
Target Audience
This course is appropriate for anyone who might be involved with an Early Support Assessment, regardless of if you might be the lead professional, and will also be of use for those who supervise professionals who are involved or are the safeguarding lead for their setting or organisation.
This course is free to attend.
6th February 2025 (Virtual)
11th March 2025 (Virtual)
More dates to follow
Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Licensed Practitioner Training
Course Description
The Graded Care Profile 2 tool is an evidenced based assessment tool to support the identification and assessment of neglect. This training is for all practitioners wishing to use the tool in their work with children and families.
Learning Objectives
- Become a licenced user of GCP2.
- Consolidate knowledge in relation to neglect.
- Know how the GCP2 fits with local practice.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at all staff working in settings who may be in contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers who may become aware of possible abuse or neglect.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants should have completed at least 'foundation level' training such as 'Working Together a Shared Responsibility' or equivalent level of learning in safeguarding children.
This course is free to attend.
26th March 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, venue TBC)
7th May 2025 (Virtual)
3rd June 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, venue TBC)
Mental Capacity Act Workshop
Course Description
These sessions are designed in a workshop style which will be delivered online and are appropriate for those working directly with adults. They will be delivered using anonymised case studies and case based scenarios.
The sessions will cover the practicalities of assessing capacity, functional test, what information is relevant and how it should be recorded.
The session is suitable to those working directly with adult such as – GPs, Ambulance Service, Domestic Abuse Service, Substance use service, Wiltshire Health & Care, Hospitals, Police, Transitional Safeguarding Teams, Housing, Care providers.
This course is free to attend.
29th January 2025
25th March 2025
21st May 2025
Course Description
There have been several high-profile cases both locally and nationally where children and young people have been subjected to neglect. This course is designed to raise awareness of the impact of neglect and best practice in safeguarding children. This course includes references Neglect Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) tool that has been adopted in for use in Wiltshire from 2019. For training on GCP2 please see additional training.
Learning Objectives
- An understanding of what neglect looks like in a family and the need to identify it at the earliest opportunity.
- To consider the impact of neglect in the short and long-term.
- Develop an overview of current research and context in relation to child neglect
- Develop skills in the assessment of child neglect.
- To enhance the skills of participants in the identification and assessment when working with children and young people who are neglected.
Target Audience
This training is for front line staff working directly with children and families.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants should have completed at least 'foundation level' training such as 'Working Together a Shared Responsibility' or equivalent level of learning in safeguarding children.
This course costs £100 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc.
4th March 2025 (Virtual)
2nd July 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
10th November 2025 (Virtual)
Prevent Sessions
These sessions replace the Radicalisation and Extremism course. There is now a Prevent Awareness session and 5 Extremist Ideology sessions. The Prevent Awareness course is a pre-requisite course for the 5 Extremist Ideology sessions.
Prevent Awareness:
Course Description
This course is a pre-requisite course for the Extremist Ideology sessions.
This course has been designed to help learners understand what may make people susceptible to radicalisation and understand more about local Prevent priorities.
This course aims to provide learners with understanding of:
- What Prevent is
- Why it is important
- How Prevent applies to your role
- How to identify the emotions and behaviours that might make someone susceptible to radicalisation
- How to apply the ‘notice, check, share’ procedure
- Risks in your local areas
- Knowing what to do where there are concerns
- And, your local referral pathway, to make high-quality relevant referrals
Who is it aimed at
To help you decide if you should attend any of these modules for your role, please make reference to the Wiltshire Prevent Training Strategy, where your role can be mapped against various criteria:
If your manager maps your role to fall within the Enhanced level, then it would be recommended for you to attend the Prevent Awareness session. Please note that this session is different from that offered via the GOV.UK e-learning portal.
For all roles mapped against the Specialist level within the Training Strategy, then it would be recommended that you attend the 5 modules on Extremist Ideology. These Ideology modules can be completed in any order but it is recommended that you complete all 5 of them. You can apply for these via the Events tile on your Virtual College account, in the same way you have applied for this session.
Do you have to complete them in any particular order?
As you will notice the Wiltshire Prevent Training Strategy is a tiered system, from Basic, through to Enhanced, Specialist, Prevent Lead and Board level.
It would be advantageous for you to complete the training through the tiered approach, as the sessions offered will build on that learnt in previous tiers. This will assist in building your knowledge and confidence in each of the specified areas.
Are sessions running virtually?
At present all of the sessions will be offered via Microsoft Teams. We are aware however that this is not inclusive to all users so we are investigating the possibility of offering some of these sessions in-person at a future date.
If you are interested in attending an in-person session, please do register your interest by emailing
Course Link
A link to the training will be sent through in a reminder email roughly 1 week before the course date. Please look out for this email and use this link to access the training. If you don’t receive this email, please check your junk folder and if it isn’t in there, please contact us via email and we will resend it to you.
This course costs £75 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc. This allows you to attend the Extremist Ideology sessions for free.
3rd March 2025 (Virtual)
12th May 2025 (Virtual)
3rd September 2025 (Virtual)
6th November 2025 (Virtual)
Extremist Ideology Sessions:
Course Description
Delegates must have attended the Prevent Awareness course before attending these sessions.
This training focuses on extreme ideologies and how they manifest, supporting frontline practitioners in identifying individuals who may be at risk of terrorism or supporting terrorism.
The various ideology training modules will cover:
- An Overview of Extremist Ideologies
- Emerging Ideologies
- Antisemitism
- Islamist Extremist ideology
- Extreme Right-wing Ideology
Each of the modules aim to provide you with an in-depth understanding of:
- Definitions of the ideologies
- How the ideology is underpinned by conspiracy fantasies
- How to identify the characteristics of an ideology
- The history and evolution of the ideology
- How to recognise contemporary manifestations of ideology
- Analysing how the ideology motivates terrorism
- How to make informed judgements on whether an individual expressing ideology should be referred to Prevent
Who is it aimed at
To help you decide if you should attend any of these modules for your role, please make reference to the Wiltshire Prevent Training Strategy, where your role can be mapped against various criteria.
If your manager maps your role to fall within the Enhanced level, then it would be recommended for you to attend the Prevent Awareness session. Please note that this session is different from that offered via the GOV.UK e-learning portal.
For all roles mapped against the Specialist level within the Training Strategy, then it would be recommended that you attend the 5 modules on Extremist Ideology. These Ideology modules can be completed in any order but it is recommended that you complete all 5 of them. You can apply for these via the Events tile on your Virtual College account, in the same way you have applied for this session.
Do you have to complete them in any particular order?
As you will notice the Wiltshire Prevent Training Strategy is a tiered system, from Basic, through to Enhanced, Specialist, Prevent Lead and Board level.
It would be advantageous for you to complete the training through the tiered approach, as the sessions offered will build on that learnt in previous tiers. This will assist in building your knowledge and confidence in each of the specified areas.
Course Link
A link to the training will be sent through in a reminder email roughly 1 week before the course date. Please look out for this email and use this link to access the training. If you don’t receive this email, please check your junk folder and if it isn’t in there, please contact us via email and we will resend it to you.
This is free to attend.
4th March 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Overview (Virtual)
14th March 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Emerging (Virtual)
20th March 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Antisemitism (Virtual)
24th March 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Extreme Right-Wing (Virtual)
1st April 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Islamist (Virtual)
6th May 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Emerging (Virtual)
9th May 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Overview (Virtual)
14th May 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Extreme Right-Wing (Virtual)
19th May 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Antisemitism (Virtual)
22nd May 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Islamist (Virtual)
8th September 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Overview (Virtual)
11th September 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Emerging (Virtual)
17th September 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Antisemitism (Virtual)
26th September 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Islamist (Virtual)
30th September 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Extreme Right-Wing (Virtual)
11th November 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Overview (Virtual)
17th November 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Emerging (Virtual)
27th November 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Antisemitism (Virtual)
3rd December 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Islamist (Virtual)
12th December 2025 - Extremist Ideology-Extreme Right-Wing (Virtual)
Safer Recruitment
Course Description
This course aims to support managers in understanding their roles and responsibilities in the recruitment process. It will help managers fulfil their responsibilities in the recruitment of staff to roles working with children.
(Please note this is NOT a comprehensive workshop on staff recruitment and selection).
Learning Objectives
- Explain offender behaviour and risks posed by offenders to children and young people.
- Define how safer recruitment fits with the wider context of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
- Identify the key features of staff recruitment that helps to deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people.
- Compare policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting.
- Demonstrate and help participants begin to review their own and their organisation's policies and practices with a view of making them safer.
Target Audience
This training is aimed at members of interview panels who recruit to roles working with children. The training is particularly relevant for staff working in schools, colleges and early years’ settings.
This course costs £100 to attend for all delegates.
October 2024 - We are not currently able to offer Safer Recruitment or the Safer Recruitment refresher courses whilst we source additional trainers. You can still add yourself to the waiting list via Virtual College if you wish, and we will contact you as soon as we have dates available. The training is available from other providers, including the NSPCC & Lucy Faithful Foundation.
Safer Recruitment Refresher
Course Description
To update knowledge from previous safer recruitment training. The training will help managers fulfil their responsibilities in the recruitment of staff to roles working with children.
Learning Objectives
- Update knowledge from previous safer recruitment training.
- Summarise what’s new in safer recruitment.
- To identify the changes to the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS).
- Maintain a culture of vigilance in your own organisation.
- Practice updating a safer recruitment action plan and individual action plan.
Target Audience
This training is aimed at members of interview panels who recruit to roles working with children. The training is particularly relevant for staff working in schools, colleges and early years settings. This course is for delegates who have certification to confirm that they have successfully completed Safer Recruitment Course (1 day course) within the last three years. Those delegates whose certification has lapsed more than three years must repeat the full day course.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants must have completed the Safer Recruitment full day course within the last three years.
This course is free to attend as the cost for this course is included within the charge for the Safer Recruitment course.
October 2024 - We are not currently able to offer Safer Recruitment or the Safer Recruitment refresher courses whilst we source additional trainers. You can still add yourself to the waiting list via Virtual College if you wish, and we will contact you as soon as we have dates available. The training is available from other providers, including the NSPCC & Lucy Faithful Foundation.
Sexualised Behaviour
Course Description
This course is designed to improve the confidence of staff and managers working with children and young people who display sexualised behaviour. This will enable them to make effective decisions to safeguard children and to promote a pro-active multi-disciplinary approach to working with children and their families and carers.
Learning Objectives
- To raise awareness of the continuum of sexualised behaviours displayed by children and young people.
- To enable delegates to respond appropriately to sexualised behaviour and within the existing safeguarding thresholds guidance. This will include responding to the child displaying the behaviour, the parents, other children, and those professionals managing the behaviour.
- To understand the continuum of sexual behaviours that children and young people display from age appropriate developmental behaviours through to those that cause concern.
- For professionals to understand how sexual behaviours can develop or be learnt.
- Recognise the impact of inappropriate sexualised behaviour on children, young people and their families.
- Understand how a multi-agency approach can help to manage these behaviours.
Target Audience
All staff and managers working with Wiltshire’s children and young people and staff working with adults who are parents or carers. This course may be particularly relevant to those working in schools and early years’ settings.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants should have completed at least 'foundation level' training such as 'Working Together a Shared Responsibility' or equivalent level of learning in safeguarding children.
This course costs £100 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc.
Dates tbc
Specialist Advanced Practitioner Training
Course Description
This is designed to create lead safeguarding practitioners who are better informed, more confident in their practice, in their ability to challenge and clearer about what their roles and responsibilities are. This course is evidence-based and considers the latest research in the field.
This course replaces the Advanced Child Protection Course for non-education safeguarding leads.
Learning Objectives
- Role and responsibilities and how to deal with the challenges of working as a safeguarding lead.
- Examining ‘Professional Curiosity’ and skills for critical thinking and assessment.
- Exploring common themes from Serious Case Reviews such as disguised compliance, working with difficult parents and escalating concerns.
- Thresholds of intervention and providing the correct response to identified needs
- Emerging safeguarding themes such as child exploitation and contextual safeguarding.
Target Audience
Safeguarding leads and deputy safeguarding leads working in housing, health, charities, sports or leisure sectors any other area that involves working with children or adults. This course isn't for anyone working in schools, academies, colleges and early years settings.
Pre-requisite Course
All participants should have completed at least 'foundation level' training such as 'Working Together a Shared Responsibility' or equivalent level of learning in safeguarding children.
This course costs £100 to attend for non contributing agencies. These are agencies that do not contribute to the SVPP and include Independent Schools, Academies, childminders, private nurseries etc
6th March 2025 (Virtual)
20th May 2025 (Virtual)
15th October 2025 (Face to face - Trowbridge, Venue TBC)
16th December 2025 (Virtual)
Ways of Writing Workshop
Course Description
Ways of writing workshop is an opportunity to think about the way we write when working with children. What impact it potentially has and how we can adapt our thinking and writing based on young people’s feedback.
You will see good examples of writing and get chance to have a go!
Target Audience
Any professional working with children and young people.
This workshop is free to attend.
12th March 2025 (Virtual)
23rd September 2025 (Virtual)
One-Off Courses
The following one-off courses are also available to book:
Cannabis Tool & Guidance Webinar
In this webinar you will be introduced to our guidance on Exploring cannabis use and its impact on parenting capacity.
The webinar will cover:
- Why the guidance has been introduced
- Use of the tool
- How motivational interviewing can support it's use
As well as setting out how feedback on the tool will be gathered and how you can be involved. (Guidance can be found here).
This course is free to attend
25th March 2025
The Adolescent Brain
Why is adolescence important?
Adolescence represents a critical life transition characterised by a tremendous pace in growth and change, second only to that of infancy. Due to the many changes within the adolescent brain this is potentially a time of great vulnerability. This learning will consider young people’s:
· changes to brain architecture
· emotional wellbeing
· potential as parents
· ability to interpret social cues
· tendency to act impulsively
· use of screentime and social media
This period of brain reorganisation, growth and development means young people can process large amounts of new information, making adolescence a time of great opportunity for learning and development. This is a key opportunity for practitioners to engage with young people and positively impact their public health outcomes.
This course is free to attend (booking via Virtual College essential)
18th March 2025 (Face to face, Potterne)
Five to Thrive Training
KCA have been commissioned to deliver Five To Thrive, Trauma Informed Practice and Emotion Coaching training. Further information, training dates and booking links can be found here.
Webinars and podcasts
Visit the webinars and podcasts page to view other SVPP training and workforce development opportunities.